Patient Rights & Responsibilities - November 15, 2023
We at Chugachmiut want you to know about Patient Rights and Responsibilities, so you can make the best choices about your health and receive the highest quality of health care possible.

Patients have the following RIGHTS:
- To receive services without discrimination because of your race or ethnicity, your national origin, your gender, age, or religion, your sexual orientation or preference, your marriage status, your income, or any physical or mental disability whatsoever.
- Except for emergencies, provide consent prior to the start of any procedure or treatment, or both.
- To receive excellent care with the highest standards, whether or not you can afford Chugachmiut services.
- To always be treated with courtesy and respect by Chugachmiut staff, protecting your dignity and privacy.
- To have your cultural, psychosocial, spiritual, and personal values, beliefs, and preferences respected as you are receiving services.
- To understand the procedures Chugachmiut follows to protect your private health records.
- To expect all your health records to be kept private unless you give Chugachmiut written permission to share them or when the law requires us to do so.
- To receive your health records when you request them (or when you request another person or entity to receive them) and to request that we make changes to them.
- To know the name and qualifications of everyone involved in your health care and to be told how to reach them.
- To ask for a different provider if you would like someone besides the provider we assign to you. Chugachmiut will do its best to fulfill your request, but can’t guarantee it will be possible to make a change.
- To receive a complete and accurate explanation of any diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, or suggested treatment, along with alternatives (including no treatment) and the possible outcomes. You have the right to expect this information in a culturally sensitive way that you can understand.
- To be told about support services, like education or help with finding an insurance plan.
- To receive an appropriate assessment and treatment for pain.
- To be told all you need to know to participate fully in making choices about your health care so you can give “Informed Consent” before any procedure (except in emergencies). If you can’t participate fully, you have the right to be represented by parents, legal guardians, or an authorized legal representative.
- To ask questions at any time before, during, or after receiving services about any diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, or treatment plan; to know the alternatives and risks; and to get clear, simple answers.
- To never be restrained or secluded, and to be allowed to leave without interference from staff.
- To refuse any treatment (except when it’s illegal), tell us your preferences about any future treatments and be informed of the alternatives and of what might happen if you refuse treatment. If you do refuse treatment, there might be times when Chugachmiut would be required by law to tell the authorities.
- To seek a different health care opinion before any procedure.
- To be told if any treatment is for research and to have the chance to give “Informed Consent” before any research starts.
- To make “advance directives” (which are instructions for us to follow in case you can’t tell anyone what you prefer) and to be sure that everyone at Chugachmiut will follow your directives according to the law.
- To choose a surrogate or substitute, to make health care decisions if you can’t do so for yourself.
- To ask for and be given information about your financial responsibility for our services.
- To receive a copy of your specific charges with an explanation and a detailed description of anything we are charging to your insurance.
- To ask for whatever help you need to understand or follow our procedures, to get health care or other services, to participate in treatment, or to take care of your bill by contacting us.
- To receive all services free from mental, physical, sexual, and verbal abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
- To file a grievance or complaint about Chugachmiut staff without fear of discrimination or revenge and to have it handled fairly, efficiently, and quickly.
Patients have the following RESPONSIBILITIES:
- To provide, to the best of your ability, accurate and complete information about your present condition, past illnesses or hospitalizations, medications you are now taking or have with you, and other matters relating to your health.
- To partner with your care team to develop a wellness care plan and to actively participate in treatment.
- To give us complete and accurate information regarding changes in address, telephone numbers, emergency contact, and insurance information.
- To advise your care team about any advanced directives.
- To always be polite and respectful to staff and patients, including protecting the privacy and dignity of other patients.
- To never carry any type of recreational alcohol, contraband (nonprescription) drugs, weapons, or explosives into our facilities.
- To follow the rules such as the smoking policy, timely arrival for appointments, and the maintenance of the confidentiality of other clients.
- To keep all your scheduled appointments and to arrive on time, or call prior to the appointment to reschedule the appointment.
- To follow the treatment plan recommended by your health care provider as much as you possibly can, and to work with them to get the results you want.
- To ask questions if you don’t understand anything your provider informs you about, including your diagnosis, treatment plan or prognosis, or the risks or benefits of any of them.
- If you choose to refuse treatment, explain your reasons to your provider; if you can’t follow a treatment plan, explain what you need or want to do so.
- To tell your provider about any changes or reactions, you have to prescribed medication or a treatment plan.
- To understand your own health benefits (like insurance) and to know what kind of exclusions, deductibles, co-payments, and treatment costs you’re responsible for.
- When you receive a bill, make a good faith effort to meet your obligations, including paying on time.
- To tell us about any concerns or problems with our staff or with our services.
1840 Bragaw Street, Suite 110
Anchorage, Alaska 99508-3463
907-562-4155 – Phone
800-478-4155 – Toll Free
907-563-2891 – Fax
800-793-2891 – Toll Free Fax
844-891-0444 – 24/7 Behavioral Health Crisis Line