This page is the content sampler of the various HTML headings and other formatting structures that have been styled for this site. Please don’t delete, as it’s a great reference.
It doesn’t get any bigger than a Heading 1! This is automatically used for the page title, so it is best not used elsewhere.
Heading 2 is intended to be used just once on a page – right after the Heading 1 and before other page content. It’s good for holding a page excerpt/summary, or some other content that might be pertinent to SEO. I typically make it a little smaller than Heading 3, as Heading 3 is usually a short phrase while Heading 2 usually contains more text.
Oh – a link looks like this. Go ahead and mouse over it. And here’s a sample PDF download.
Heading 3 is the top-level separator of content areas within a page. It might follow a Heading 1, Heading 2 or a paragraph.
Heading 4 is used to break up sections that occur within a section already set apart by a Heading 3. It’s often a sub-heading to Heading 3, but not limited as such.
Occasionally, a Heading 4 will immediately follow a Heading 3. This depends on the nature of the content, and how it’s written.
Heading 5 is used to classify sections of similarly-structured content. For these situations, a Heading 3 or Heading 4 either seems like overkill (too much size & weight), or doesn’t sufficiently reinforce the “buckets” of similar-structured content.
A blockquote separates a sentence or phrase worth repeating. – MIKE HONDEL, CLUTCH MEDIA
For this site, the blockquote is styled to act like a pull-quote in which a primary sentence or phrase is displayed with great emphasis. Not to be overused – maybe once per page or so. The quote’s source is marked as a citation, with bold applied to the author name.
To err is human – Mike Hondel
A citation defines the title of a work (e.g. a book, a song, a movie, a TV show, a painting, a sculpture, etc.). For example:
See our recent edition of Access 360 for a current and comprehensive guide to services offered in the Anchorage area.
There are several options for photo sizes. Photo sizes are largely driven by pixel width (the photo’s aspect ration determines the pixel height). There are pre-set options for both landscape and portrait orientation.
This is a MEDIUM size (standard, so landscape), set to align right.
Thumbnail, medium, and large photo sizes assumes a landscape orientation. Medium sets a photo width that is a little more than half of the available width of the content column.
A photo caption can be optionally added.
Thumbnail and medium can be aligned right or left.
A LARGE image will fill the available width of the content area. Set alignment to NONE.
PORTRAIT – MEDIUM, set to align left.
Portrait – Medium and Portrait – Small orientations are governed by pixel width (the photo’s aspect ration determines the pixel height). The Medium – Portrait photo size sets a photo width that is a little less than half of the available width of the content column.
Like Landscape orientations, these can be aligned right or left.
YouTube videos can be easily embedded through a WordPress shortcode. The shortcode tells WordPress to use a URL (which you add) to display the video.
Our vision is to revitalize the traditional Chugach Native culture and language. The goal is to make Sugpiaq/ Eyak history and heritage a part of the regular school curriculum with support and direction from our Elders’ traditional ecological knowledge (TEK).
Heritage Preservation© Copyright By Chugachmiut. All Rights Reserved.
Site By: SPOON FROG graphics